AWIA: The Cost and Benefits of Membership

To join the Australian Walnut Industry Association, there is an initial joining fee of $100 and $250 annual Membership fee (both including GST). This includes funding towards promotion and marketing of fresh walnuts and a subscription to the "Australian Nutgrower", an essential communication channel for our industry. 

The "Australian Nutgrower" is a publication of the Australian Nut Industry Council Ltd (ANIC). This journal contains many informative articles relevant to all sections of the nut industry.

If you already receive the Australian Nutgrower as a member of another nut organisation, membership of AWIA is $100 initial joining fee and $197 per year (Including GST).

To support research into walnut growing, there is also an annual voluntary levy. (This is essential for eligibility for additional external support for the industry.) This levy is currently based on a formula relating to the number of kilograms of in shell walnuts produced and has important advantages for anyone wishing to access the results of the research at the earliest possible time.

Membership of the AWIA provides the following benefits:

  • Ability to participate in workshops, study groups, and field days organised by the AWIA

  • Association with the leading authorities on the cultivation of walnut trees

  • Association Newsletter which provides the latest information on industry matters specific to walnuts

  • Access to the AWIA Quality Management Guide

    The Management Guide is produced by the Association to assist members with raising their present level of management in developing a walnut orchard. It helps members with information on the production, harvesting and marketing of walnuts needed in order to maintain the Association's quality standards. Through regular revisions, it aims to develop benchmarks against the world best practice for the above aspects of management.

  • Access to the members only section of the AWIA web site with reports, summaries, etc, not available elsewhere as well as access to on-line walnut discussion groups.

To join the AWIA, fill out the online application form. Your membership fee will be adjusted to the nearest 6 months after application. If you have queries contact the AWIA Membership secretary, Marilla James, by:

For those thinking of entering the industry, we recommend reading the Introduction to Walnut Production  in Australia written by Dr Harold Adem, DPI Tatura. 

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